coding style


  1. 變數或是 function 以 boolean 方式存在, 名子開頭請以

    • is

    • can

    • has

    • should

  2. Naming Scalars Like Objects

     // bad
     store = "Jason's Capsaicin Station"
     // good
     store_name = "Jason's Capsaicin Station"

    Explanation: If I see a variable name like store, I think it’s an object. This problem becomes especially severe when the codebase does in fact have a class called Store and some stores are instances of that class and some stores are just store names.

  3. Naming Counts Like Collections

     // bads
     products = 0
     // good
     product_count = 0

    Explanation: If I see a variable called products I would probably expect its value to be a collection of some sort. I would be surprised when I tried to iterate over the collection only to discover that it’s actually an integer.

  4. Naming a Variable After Its Type

     // bad
     array = []
     // good
     customers = []

    Explanation: A variable called array or hash could contain pretty much anything. By choosing a name like this you’re forcing the reader to do all the thinking.

  5. Use of “Stuff Words” For Collections

    Bad examples:


    Good examples:


    Explanation: There are certain words that have no singular form. Examples include “stuff”, “garbage” and “laundry”. I call these “stuff words”. This anti-pattern especially applies to database table names.


var daysSinceModification = 3; // 在修改已過了3天
var workDaysPerWeek = 5; // 每週工作5天
var daysUntilDeadline = 10; // deadline前還剩10天



// ok

使用更好的Iterator; 不要使用 i,j,k, 這樣可以提高可讀性, 也比較容易 debug

如 Key/Value Mystery

Bad examples:

products.each { |key, value| puts value }
products.each { |k, v| puts v }

Good example:

products.each { |name, price| puts price }

Explanation: Names like key and value have almost no meaning. There’s almost always a more purpose-revealing option.

Function Name的prefix都是動詞

  • fetch:從遠端(透過API)獲取資料,例如:fetchUsers()

  • load:從本地端加載資料,例如:loadFile()

  • calculate/calc:通過計算獲取資料,例如:calcBMI()

  • show:顯示物件,如showModal()、showDialog()

  • remove:將資料之間的關係移除,資料本身還是會存在

  • delete/destroy:將資料刪除,資料將會不存在

  • on:定義event的時候使用,像是onClick,onChange

  • handle:當onClick之類的event發生時所觸發的function,


    這將受詞移到click前方* 例如:handleButtonClick

  • get/set

  • create: insert append add append

  • edit: modify update

  • complete: finish done end

  • send: deliver, dispatch, announce, distribute, route

  • find: search, extract, locate, recover

  • start: launch, create, begin, open

  • make: create, set upm build, genernate, compose, add, new

縮寫真的方便但並不是最好; 廣為人知的才能夠用, 如果只有開發團隊懂的縮寫還是少用, 或是有一個對照表

Bad examples:


Good examples:


Explanation: Abbreviations like passwd violate the Principle of Least Astonishment. If I know a class has a password attribute I should be able to guess that that attribute is called password. Since passwd is pretty much totally arbitrary, it’s a practically unguessable. Plus, how valuable is it to save two keystrokes?


  • 在檔案的最前頭寫上整個程式檔案大致是如何運作的檔案註解

  • 除了解釋程式運作的原理外,還可以描述為什麼要用這樣子的寫法來寫,可能是效能上的需求之類的

  • 使用 TODO FIXME 等註解標籤

    • TODO可以標記尚未製作或是需要優化的部分

    • FIXME是不能運作需要修復的部分

  • 在設定常數的時候給予註解其實也能幫助理解,讓開發者更有概念, 像是下面程式註解說明為什麼要設定為1000的理由

      // 加上合理的限制 - 沒有人能讀那麼多文章
      const int MAX_RSS_SUBSCRIPTIONS = 1000;

「英文不好」是個很大的題目,相對於「聽、讀」,「說、寫」的自學門檻較高。 以程式設計師來說,「寫英文」的需求可分為至少兩大方面:

  • 命名

    • 名詞: 變數(variable), 類別(class)

    • 動詞: 函式(function)/方法(method)

  • 說明/描述

    • 短文註解 (code/commit comment)

    • 長篇文件(documentation)/手冊(manual)

這個 微軟 PowerShell 指令動詞列表當然不是唯一的標準,但它列出了許多動 詞 (尤其是程式設計領域常用的動詞) 及其使用情景的說明,可以作為 動詞命名 的參考。


further reading:

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